Native Trees and Shrubs
We welcome the opportunity to work with the native trees and shrubs on your property or in your landscape.
Our California natives need and deserve specialized care. California is home to many magnificent trees such as the White Oaks, Valley Oaks, Black Oaks and many more. These are often tough, slow growing trees that evolved in association with our hot, summer dry climate. They grow carefully so as to make the most of their resources, and they often react negatively to change of any kind. Working with these beautiful trees and shrubs requires a sensitivity to their needs and a knowledge of how they respond to change.
Many people take the native trees on their properties for granted, but these trees are actually living treasures.
It can take hundreds of years for a mature oak tree to develop.
It takes only a few minutes to damage it in a way that will shorten its life.
Would you like to become a caretaker for your trees?
We can help.